35 「搖滾小魔星」竇靖童:Jungle Pink

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  《Jungle Pink》


  【簡評】小童同學的獲獎作品,迷幻搖滾的風格。在她像夢囈一樣的唱腔中,表達一個奇妙的世界。這首歌發布於2018年8月29日,獲得2018年華人歌曲音樂盛典的年度金曲獎,收錄在竇靖童2017年9月19日發行的專輯《Kids Only》中。小童她的詞曲在國內算是比較有辨識度,音樂比較小資和前衛,不像一些目前年輕女歌手庸俗的曲調。





  Notion in every growing distance

  Fending like a man in trance

  Loving with no sense of humor

  Music no one wants to dance

  Speeding through the seasons

  I know I can't stay

  I wish I never leave this jungle pink

  Will I lose the gold you said you saw in me

  Let me be a little longer please

  Speading through the seasons

  I know I can't stay

  I wish I never leave this jungle pink

  Will I lose the gold you said you saw in me

  Let me be a little longer please
